Coffee Enema

1920's - German scientists discovered how a caffeine-infused enema could cause bile ducts to dilate and cause bile secretion.

1930's - Dr. Max Gerson (author of the book "A Cancer Therapy - results of 50 cases) included coffee enema as part of a general detoxification regimen. He found that caffeine would travel up the haemorrhoidal system, then to the portal vein and the liver itself. This had a calming effect on his patients and it helped in pain management. Soon coffee enemas became an established part of medical practice and was introduced for cancer therapy. Gerson believed that caffeine could stimulate the liver and gallbladder to discharge bile, which in turn, contributed to the health of cancer patients.
1960's - Dr. William Kelley used coffee enemas as part of his own treatment for pancreatic cancer and was eventually healed. The prestigious Merck Manual of Medical Information included coffee enema into its annals.
1981 - A study by Dr. Lee Wattenberg at the University of Minnesota showed how coffee enema was able to increase the activity of a key liver enzyme (glutathiones-transferase) by an impressive 700%.
The earliest text in existence, the Egyptian Eber Papyrus, (1,500 B.C.) mentioned - Millennia before, the Pharoah had a "Guardian of the Anus", a special doctor, one of whose purposes was to administer the Royal Enema. They believed that diseases were engendered by the superfluities of the food.
Nowadays water enema is commonly administered as an aid to relief constipation by creating a spasm in the intestinal wall to expel faecal matter through the anal sphincter.
Nowadays water enema is commonly administered as an aid to relief constipation by creating a spasm in the intestinal wall to expel faecal matter through the anal sphincter.

An Enema Bucket

Dating back 5,000 years, the enema is certainly one of the oldest health-promoting procedures still used today. The coffee enema itself has nearly a century of being an incredible wellness-boosting treatment. The question is how does it help you?
The purpose of the coffee enema is to cleanse and fortify the liver in its job as a blood detox agent. The amount of toxins that get into our bodies from our modern lifestyle makes it necessary for us to give our liver all the help it can get. A weakened liver can mean inflammation throughout the body which contributes to pre-mature ageing, fatigue, allergies, joint problems. Cancer and other ailments that bring down our enjoyment of life.
According to a study in the British Medical Journal, 75% of cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors. A report by the Columbia University of Public Health estimated that as much as 95% of cancers are caused by poor diet and environmental toxicity. This means that most cancers are in fact preventable. Keeping our livers in good health, therefore, means promoting longevity. Coffee enemas can be that invaluable tool on your side to fight for your overall wellness.

Caffeine Power
Having a cup of strong coffee dosen't have the same effects as using it as an enema. Having a shot of expresso can

When coffee is used as an enema, it by-passes the digestive system and the coffee solution is absorbed into the veins that surround the colon and then routed directly to the liver.
The caffeine then does its job and dilutes the accumulated bile and dilates the blood vessels and bile ducts. The toxin in the liver is emptied and the muck is carried into the gall bladder, the small intestine and out of the the body. This process relieves the liver, allowing it to work better. Many have noticed a near instant relief in a single enema.
Other Great Benefits
Certain Palmitates (fatty acids) found in coffee can help promote the activity of the enzyme Glutathione S-Transferee (GST). This enzyme , a powerful antioxidant produced in the liver, is responsible for neutralising free radicals that can cause cellular damage in the body. Cutting down these free radicals mean we can fight off degenerative diseases such as premature ageing and cancer.
What does this mean for you? A healthy body thatallows you to lead the life you want, and doing the things you love.
Let’s hear from Charlotte Gerson from
The Gerson Institute On Coffee Enema

- Will Coffee Enema affect normal bowel movements?
- Do Coffee Enemas cause mineral loss resulting in electrolyte imbalance?
- Why are we advised to retain the Coffee for only 12 - 15 minutes?
- Can I use just any Coffee for Coffee Enemas?

We conduct regular workshop on Coffee Enemas where you are taught to use Coffee Enemas Correctly and Effectively. Email or SMS interest to :-
1. Will coffee enemas affect normal bowel movement?
No. The primary function of coffee enema is to cleanse the liver and blood. A great additional benefit is that it causes peristaltic movement in the intestinal tract that helps to clear faecal matter. A fibre rich diet, sufficient fluids and a healthy lifestyle will ensure healthy, normal bowel movements.
2. Do coffee enema cause mineral loss that results in electrolyte imbalance?
Unlike procedures such as colonic irrigation, coffee enemas do not cause dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. Mineral absorption happens in the small intestines. The ascending colon and the transverse colon. The amount of coffee used is too little to even reach the descending colon. This means mineral absorption is hardly affected and there is minimal risk of electrolyte imbalance. Also, the coffee solution itself contains minerals and electrolytes (such as potassium) which are absorbed through the colon.
Our coffee enemas are used along with a comprehensive programme where minerals, electrolytes and nutrients are consumed through Juices, Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Honey, Super Green Food Plus and Spirulina. From our programme, you are taught to use coffee enemas correctly and effectively.
3. Why are we advised to retain the coffee for only 12-15 minutes?
Blood passes through the liver once every 3 minutes. Retaining the coffee for 12-15 minutes means the blood is detoxified 4-5 times as it passes through the liver. Retaining coffee for too long will result in the toxins being reabsorbed into the body and that’s counter-productive.
4. Can I use just any coffee for coffee enema?
No. for the results you want, the coffee must be lightly roasted and organically grown. Darker roasts do not provide the desired benefits. The coffee should be fine to medium ground. Do not use expresso, instant or decaffeinated coffees. Use our Organic Enema Coffee (certified by Hill Laboratories, New Zealand as being pesticide residue-free).
Our Organic Enema Coffee is organically grown in Sabah, Malaysia. The coffee trees are nurtured under semi-wild conditions in an area where air is clean, the land is rich, fertile and pollution free. No chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used. The coffee is lightly roasted to prepare for the desired properties and is produced under the stringent standards of Datin Dr. Lynn Tan (N.D.)
No. The primary function of coffee enema is to cleanse the liver and blood. A great additional benefit is that it causes peristaltic movement in the intestinal tract that helps to clear faecal matter. A fibre rich diet, sufficient fluids and a healthy lifestyle will ensure healthy, normal bowel movements.
2. Do coffee enema cause mineral loss that results in electrolyte imbalance?
Unlike procedures such as colonic irrigation, coffee enemas do not cause dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. Mineral absorption happens in the small intestines. The ascending colon and the transverse colon. The amount of coffee used is too little to even reach the descending colon. This means mineral absorption is hardly affected and there is minimal risk of electrolyte imbalance. Also, the coffee solution itself contains minerals and electrolytes (such as potassium) which are absorbed through the colon.
Our coffee enemas are used along with a comprehensive programme where minerals, electrolytes and nutrients are consumed through Juices, Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Honey, Super Green Food Plus and Spirulina. From our programme, you are taught to use coffee enemas correctly and effectively.
3. Why are we advised to retain the coffee for only 12-15 minutes?
Blood passes through the liver once every 3 minutes. Retaining the coffee for 12-15 minutes means the blood is detoxified 4-5 times as it passes through the liver. Retaining coffee for too long will result in the toxins being reabsorbed into the body and that’s counter-productive.
4. Can I use just any coffee for coffee enema?
No. for the results you want, the coffee must be lightly roasted and organically grown. Darker roasts do not provide the desired benefits. The coffee should be fine to medium ground. Do not use expresso, instant or decaffeinated coffees. Use our Organic Enema Coffee (certified by Hill Laboratories, New Zealand as being pesticide residue-free).
Our Organic Enema Coffee is organically grown in Sabah, Malaysia. The coffee trees are nurtured under semi-wild conditions in an area where air is clean, the land is rich, fertile and pollution free. No chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used. The coffee is lightly roasted to prepare for the desired properties and is produced under the stringent standards of Datin Dr. Lynn Tan (N.D.)

Coffee Preparation:-

- In a non-aluminium pot, place 3 heaped tablespoons (or 1 sachet) of organic ground enema coffee to 2-4 glasses (500ml to 1 litre) of distilled or pure water.
- Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Strain coffee through a fine sieve. If using sachet coffee, remove the sachet and no straining is required. Let coffee solution cool to body temperature.
- Some water may have evaporated during the boiling process. Hence you may add some distilled/pure water to the coffee solution as desired.

- Pour the prepared coffee solution into a Enema Bag or Bucket.
- If you find it difficult to retain the coffee, use about 500 ml of the coffee solution. The maximum amount of coffee solution for administration should not exceed 1 litre.
- 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar or ¼ teaspoon of K-Salt may be added to the solution prior to administering the enema to help in the retention.

Ensure coffee solution is cooled to body temperature prior to administration
- Hang the Enema Bag or Bucket 18-24 inches (Door knob height) above the body.
- Release the fluid stop-clip attached to the enema tube and lowering the tube slowly until the coffee solution fills the tube. Lock the fluid stop-clip.
- Lubricate about 2 inches of the enema tube with coconut oil.
- Lie down on your right side. Insert the enema tube about 2-3 inches into the anus.
- Release the fluid stop-clip to allow the coffee solution to flow in. It will take about 1-2 minutes before the enema bucket will empty, leaving a small amount of coffee solution in the tube.
- Lock the fluid-stop clip and slowly pull out the enema tube. Remain lying down on the right side and retain the coffee for 12-15 minutes. Thereafter go to the toilet for expulsion.
Retaining The Coffee
Some may find it difficult to retain the coffee for 10-15 minutes especially the first timers. Don’t force yourself; release the coffee solution, if necessary. It becomes easier after a few sessions and when the toxin level is reduced.
To facilitate coffee rention, it is advisable to ensure that the bowel is cleared of feces/encrustratios by prior administration of a water enema (2-3 glasses of distilled water with 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar, no retention required) to remove the accumulated wasres.

Important Note
Regularly disinfect Enema Bucket & tube with hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacteria contamination.
- Wash the Enema bucket and the tube preferably with a non-chemical soap.
- Allow the water to drain completely out of the tube.
- Flip the bucket and tube dry and rinse the bucket with 2-3 capfuls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution, allowing the Hydrogen Peroxide to run through the enema tube. This helps to disinfect the set and prevent any mould & fungus from growing in the tube. Hang the set to dry in a cool and airy place.

Disclaimer: The contents on this page are not to be substituted for medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented here is purely for educational purpose. This is not a prescription for self-diagnosis or self-medication. Consult your own physician regarding the application of any opinions and recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical conditions.